One of the most common reasons to get an evaluation is that someone is experiencing difficulty in one or more areas of functioning (school, peers). Typically, assessments are administered to diagnose or rule out developmental disabilities or to establish a baseline from which educational programs can be derived.
The evaluation conducted at Kidspiration will consists of the following steps:
- Initial paperwork/Background info collection including medical and educational history.
- Testing sessions- The number and type of tests administered is are dependent on the individual’s needs.
- Written Report- A formal report is generated
- Feedback Session- Test results are discussed and recommendations are made.
A psychological assessment is a process of gathering information and integrating this information to meet the needs of the client. It typically involves gathering information from various sources such as a review of history, interviews, observations, standardized tests, and projective tests. Information is obtained about the client’s strengths and weaknesses and often a determination is made as to whether a disability is present (e.g., dyslexia, depression, ADD/ADHD, Autism etc). Oftentimes, a psychological assessment is conducted to answer a specific referral question (e.g., Why do Arti have so much difficulty concentrating?”). In essence, a psychological assessment is used to better understand a client so that recommendations can be made to help that client reach his/her goals. Diagnoses are important insofar as they point to certain treatment recommendations.
What you tell your child about this evaluation depends on how much he or she can understand. Be simple and brief and relate your explanation to a problem that your child know about such as “trouble with spelling”, “problems following directions”, or “feeling upset.”Reassure a worried child that testing involves no “shots”. Tell your child that you are trying to understand his or her problems to make things better. You may also tell the child that “nobody gets every question right,” and that the important thing is to “try your best”.